
Synchronizing Rendered Text to Source Text

The lineNumber field of an ExpressionBlock is used for rendered-text-to-source syncrhonization. Namely, when the user clicks on a piece of rendered text, the message SendLineNumber lineNumber is sent using

-- Render.Utility
sendLineNumberOnClick : Int -> Element.Attribute MarkupMsg
sendLineNumberOnClick lineNumber =
    Events.onClick (SendLineNumber (String.fromInt lineNumber))

When the message is handled by the host app and editor, the corresponding source text is scrolled into view and highlighted. (NOTE: highlights first line of block). In both and Scripta Desktop, the message is passed on to the Codemirror editor, whihc does the scrolling and highlighting.


  • There are still some problems stemming from innaccurate computation of line numbers by the differential parser. To be resolved.

  • To get a finer level of detail, we will need to use something more than the current line numbers. These only give information about blocks, namely the first line of the block. Can we at least get at the line number of text within a block? See the section on Expressions

Synchronizing Source Text to Rendered Text

Although synchronization is carried out by the host app, we outine the process here. First, the user highlights a block of source text, then pressed a button or key combination to send a message from the editor to the Elm app. On the JS side, the editor code for this in Codemirror 6 is

attributeChangedCallback(attr, oldVal, newVal) {

         function sendSelectedText(editor, str) {
                     console.log("sendSelectedText (dispatch)", str)
                     const event = new CustomEvent('selected-text', { 'detail': str , 'bubbles':true, 'composed': true});


The selected text is handle by

onSelectionChange : Html.Attribute FrontendMsg
onSelectionChange =
        |> SelectedText
        |> Html.Events.on "selected-text"

which passes it to the app's (front end) update function in clause SelectedText:

SelectedText selectedText ->
  Frontend.Update.firstSyncLR model selectedText

The firstSyncLR function searches the syntax tree (forest) for the given text using

ompiler.ASTTools.matchingIdsInAST selectedText model.editRecord.tree

This is possible because one field of the corresponding ExpressionBlock is the source text from which it was derived. Once the id(s) for corresponding elements of the rendered text are found, they can be scrolled into view and highlighted.