Data Structures
The primary data structures of the parser are
- Primitive Blocks (
) - Expressions (
) - Expression blocks (
) - Accumulator (
The parser first breaks source text into primitive blocks (1), then maps the internal language parser over a list of primitive blocks to produce expression blocks (3). Finally, the function transformAccumulate is mapped over the list of expression blocks, simultaneously collecting information such as cross-references and updating the list of expression blocks with that information
Primitive Blocks
Blocks have the rather elaborate type listed below.
This complex structure is necessary for interactive
real-time editing with error recovery. By real-time we mean
that the rendered text is updated "instantaneously"
in the browser as the user types in text. By interactive,
we mean (for example) that click on the rendered text
brings the associated source text into view while
simultaneously highlighting it. In addition, if the
user selects a block of source text and presses
ctrl-S (S for 'sync'), the corresponding rendered text
is brought into view and highlighted.
In the case of L0 and XMarkdown, a primitive block is defined by
-- Parser.PrimitiveBlock
type alias PrimitiveBlock =
{ indent : Int
, lineNumber : Int
, position : Int
, content : List String
, name : Maybe String
, args : List String
, properties : Dict String String
, sourceText : String
, blockType : PrimitiveBlockType
, error : Maybe { error : String }
In the case of
MicroLaTeX, there are two additional fields,
level: Int
and status: Status
Example (L0)
Consider the block
| theorem (Magnus Axelsson) note:this is a joke temperature:22
If $a = b$ then $b = a$.
There "(Magnus Axelsson) note:this is a joke temperature:22" is the argument string. This string is a sequences of words. Normal words do not contain the ":" character. Words of the form a:b, where a is normal are key-value words, representing key-value pairs. Normal words must precede key-value words. The former make up the argument list, whereas the latter define the entries of the property dictionary. Thus we have
args = ["(Magnus", "Axellson)"]
properties = Dict.fromList [("note", "this is a joke"), ("temperature", "22")]
Arguments and properties are treated the same for verbatim blocks as for ordinary blocks.
Example (MicroLaTeX)
Below is a LaTeX environment with an LaTeX optional argument. In this case the args list is empty and their are three key-value pairs in the properties dictiononary
\begin{theorem}[foo:1, hoho:a b c, bar:2]
If $a = b$ then $b = a$
args = []
properties = Dict.fromList [("bar", "2"), ("foo", "1"), ("hoho", "a b c"]
At the moment, environments with normal arguemnts are not handled, e.g.,
\begin{theorem}{X}{Y}[foo:1, hoho:a b c, bar:2]
If $a = b$ then $b = a$
This should produce args = ["X", "Y"]
Coercion and Pseudoblocks
Certain constructs such as \image{ width:300}
\item foo bar ...
look to be syntactically part of
the surface internal language of MicroLaTeX. However,
in source text they alway appear with an empty line above and
below and so are parsed as an anonymous (paragraph)
block. They must be coerced into being an ordinary or
verbatim block, e.g.,
{ name = "image"
, blockType = PBVerbatim
, properties = Dict.fromList [("width", "200")]
, content = ["image{"]
{ name = "image"
, blockType = PBOrdinary
, content = ["foo bar ..."]
This coercion is accomplished by functions in module MicroLaTeX.Parser.Transform
-- module MicroLaTeX.Parser.Transform
handlePseudoBlockWithContent : String -> Maybe String -> PrimitiveBlock -> PrimitiveBlock
handlePseudoBlockWithContent name maybeArg block = ...
handleImage : PrimitiveBlock -> PrimitiveBlock
The names of these elements must appear in the pseudoBlockNamesWithContent
-- module MicroLaTeX.Parser.Transform
pseudoBlockNamesWithContent =
[ "title", "section", "subsection", "subsubsection"
, "subheading", "setcounter", "contents", "endnotes", "image" ]
-- Parser.Expr
type Expr
= Fun String (List Expr) Meta
| Text String Meta
| Verbatim String String Meta
-- Parser.Meta
type alias Meta =
{ begin : Int, end : Int, index : Int, id : String }
The fields begin
and end
of a Meta
give the position of the string in
the sourceText
field. The index
field is the position
of the corresponding token (first token??).
The id
is a unique identifier derived from ... XXX ...
more detail here.
Expression Blocks
-- Parser.Block
type ExpressionBlock
= ExpressionBlock
{ name : Maybe String
, args : List String
, properties : Dict String String
, indent : Int
, lineNumber : Int
, numberOfLines : Int
, id : String
, tag : String
, blockType : BlockType
, content : Either String (List Expr)
, messages : List String
, sourceText : String
, error : Maybe { error : String }
The lineNumber
field is used in
RL synchronization
In the example below, we show how to examine the
block line numbers (0:
and 3:
) as well
as the begin
and end
fields of the metadata
of the expressions comprising the block
, [5-5]
, etc.)
-- In ./CLI
-- $ vr lxe lno1.txt p
Parse to Expression blocks
abc $x$
ghi $y$
abc [0-3] $x$[5-5]
ghi [0-3] $y$[5-5]
It looks to me like the begin
field can be the
index of a leading newline.
Maybe we can put a lineNumber
field in Meta
calculating it from the the data we already have.
Then change things so that clicks are on the level
of expressions instead of blocks.
Edit records
Module: Compiler.AbstractDifferentialCompiler
To manage differential compilation, one uses
EditRecords. The main idea is to keep track
of the current list of primitive blocks (List chunk
and the current parse structure (tree
). When an
edit is made, the source is parsed into primitive
blocks and the new and old lists are compared, producing
a diff record which shows which blocks have been
changed. The changed blocks are parsed,
then incorporated into the current list of
expression blocks (List parsedChunk
type alias EditRecord chunk parsedChunk accumulator =
{ chunks : List chunk
, parsed : List parsedChunk
, tree : List (Tree parsedChunk)
, accumulator : accumulator
, lang : Language
, messages : List String
, initialData : InitialData
Orchestration of the process outlined above
is conducted by the update
function listed
-- Compiler.AbstractDifferentialParser
update :
UpdateFunctions chunk parsedChunk acc
-> String
-> EditRecord chunk parsedChunk acc
-> EditRecord chunk parsedChunk acc
The first argument is a record that holds the
functions needed in any concrete instantiation
of the update
function, e.g, the field
setLineNumber : Int -> parsedChunk -> parsedChunk
used in renumbering parsed chunks.
XX: more on keeping the line numbers up-to-data.
Diff Records
Module: Compiler.Differ
Let u and v be two lists of things of type p
. Write them as
u = axb, v = ayb, where a is the greatest common prefix
and b is the greatest common suffix. Return DiffRecord a b x y.
The type parameter can be anything: characters, strings,
primitive blocks, etc. In the example below, p = Char
type alias DiffRecord p =
{ commonPrefix : List p
, commonSuffix : List p
, middleSegmentInSource : List p
, middleSegmentInTarget : List p
> import Compiler.Differ exposing(..)
> a = "abcxyzdef" |> String.split ""
: List String
> b = "abcXYZdef" |> String.split ""
: List String
> diff a b
{ commonPrefix = ["a","b","c"]
, commonSuffix = ["d","e","f"],
, middleSegmentInSource = ["x","y","z"]
, middleSegmentInTarget = ["X","Y","Z"] }
Diffing a Forest
Module: Compiler.DifferForest
The diff
function in this module
is designed to diff lists with an
implicit forest structure (list of trees) defined by a
function level: p -> Int
. In the resulting DiffRecord
the prefix, suffix, and middle segments all
represent subforests. The diff
function in this
module is used to diff primitive blocks in the compiler.
diff : (p -> p -> Bool)
-> (p -> Int)
-> List p
-> List p
-> DiffRecord p
diff eq level u v =
The function eq: p -> p -> Bool
tests for equality
... XX: more detail. In the case of primitive blocks ...
important that line numbers be properly computed
in the common suffix ...
To illustrate
the main issue, consider the lists u
and v
(below). These
have an indentation structure like an outline for
an article, and so define the structure
of a forest. In the example
below, the leaf jkl
in the tree with root def
changed to JKL
In this example the diff record represents the following structure:
XX, Expand on this, explain it:
-- IMPORTANT: taking y from v, the second argument
-- ensures that the line numbers in the common suffix
-- are correct
Module: Compiler.Acc
The Accumulator
is a data structure that holds information
such as counter : Dict String Int
that holds counter
of various kinds, e.g., there is a key for "figure" with
value whatever the current figure number is. The function
walks through the syntax forest simultaneously
building up the Accumulator
data structure and
transforming the current block. For example, when it
encounters an image, iframe, quiver, or chart block, it advances
the figure counter and inserts an entry in the property dictionary
of the block with key "figure" and value the current counter.
In this way, the rendering function has at hand all
the information needed to render the block with a label
like "Figure 23."
-- module Compiler.Acc
type alias Accumulator =
{ language : Language
, headingIndex : Vector
, documentIndex : Vector
, counter : Dict String Int
, blockCounter : Int
, itemVector : Vector -- Used for section numbering
, numberedItemDict : Dict String { level : Int, index : Int }
, numberedBlockNames : List String
, inList : Bool
, reference : Dict String { id : String, numRef : String }
, terms : Dict String TermLoc
, footnotes : Dict String TermLoc
, footnoteNumbers : Dict String Int
, mathMacroDict : Parser.MathMacro.MathMacroDict
, textMacroDict : Dict String Macro
, keyValueDict : Dict String String
, qAndAList : List ( String, String )
, qAndADict : Dict String String
Traversal function
-- module Compiler.Acc
transformAccumulate : InitialAccumulatorData -> Forest ExpressionBlock -> ( Accumulator, Forest ExpressionBlock )
transformAccumulate data forest =
Block updater
-- module Compiler.Acc
transformBlock : Accumulator -> ExpressionBlock -> ExpressionBlock