Minimal Scheme
x quote
x if
x lambda
x define
x cons
x car
x cdr
x null?
A somewhat longer list:
x lambda - Defines a new anonymous procedure.
x define - Defines a named procedure or value.
x if - Conditional expression that evaluates one of two expressions based on a condition.
let - Defines a new variable within a local scope.
let* - Like let, but allows defining variables that depend on each other.
letrec - Like let, but allows defining mutually recursive variables.
set! - Assigns a new value to an existing variable.
begin - Evaluates a sequence of expressions in order and returns the result of the last expression.
x quote - Returns a given expression without evaluating it.
x list - Constructs a list of its arguments.
x cons - Constructs a new pair.
x car - Returns the first element of a pair.
x cdr - Returns the second element of a pair.
x null? - Returns #t if the argument is the empty list.
eq? - Returns #t if two arguments are the same object in memory.
equal? - Returns #t if two arguments are structurally equivalent.
x map - Applies a given procedure to each element of a list and returns a new list of the results.
fold (also known as reduce) - Applies a given procedure to a list, starting with an initial value, and accumulates the results.
filter - Returns a new list containing only the elements of a given list that satisfy a given predicate.
cond - A more flexible version of if that allows evaluating multiple expressions based on different conditions.
and - Evaluates a sequence of expressions and returns #f if any of them evaluate to #f.
or - Evaluates a sequence of expressions and returns #t if any of them evaluate to #t.
not - Returns the logical negation of its argument.
x apply - Calls a procedure with a list of arguments