
(( Under construction! ))

Parsing Expresssions

Recall that we use the same type for L0 expressions as we do for MicroLaTeX and XMarkdown:

-- Parser.Expr
type Expr
    = Fun String (List Expr) Meta
    | Text String Meta
    | Verbatim String String Meta

The parser for expressions uses the shift-reduce strategy and is implemented as a functional loop with state where the state is given by

-- L0.Parser.Expression
type alias State =
    { step : Int
    , tokens : List Token
    , numberOfTokens : Int
    , tokenIndex : Int
    , committed : List Expr
    , stack : List Token
    , messages : List String
    , lineNumber : Int

with driving function State -> Step State State defined by

-- L0.Parser.Expression
nextStep : State -> Step State State
nextStep state =
    case getToken state of
        Nothing ->
            if stackIsEmpty state then
                Done state

                recoverFromError state

        Just token ->
                |> advanceTokenIndex
                |> pushOrCommit token
                |> reduceState
                |> (\st -> { st | step = st.step + 1 })
                |> Loop

The reduceState function asks whether the stack is reducible using the function isReducible discussed below. If it is, it reduces the stack using reduceStack, returning the updated state. If not, the state is passed on unchanged.

-- L0.Parser.Expression
reduceState : State -> State
reduceState state =
    if tokensAreReducible state then
        { state | stack = [], committed = reduceStack state ++ state.committed }



-- L0.Parser.Match:
isReducible : List Symbol -> Bool
isReducible symbols_ =
        symbols =
            List.filter (\sym -> sym /= WS) symbols_
    case symbols of
        M :: rest ->
            List.head (List.reverse rest) == Just M

        C :: rest ->
            List.head (List.reverse rest) == Just C

        L :: ST :: rest ->
            case List.head (List.reverse rest) of
                Just R ->
                    hasReducibleArgs (dropLast rest)

                _ ->

        _ ->