Collection Documents

A collection document is a collection of links to other documents.



Here is the source text:

| title
Quantum Mechanics Notes

[tags jxxcarlson:quantum-mechanics-notes, collection]

| collection

| document jxxcarlson:qmnotes-trajectories-uncertainty
Trajectories and Uncertainty 

| document jxxcarlson:wave-packets-dispersion
Wave Packets and the Dispersion Relation


About the document format

A collection document is normally written in the L0 markup language

The word collection must occur in the tag element, and the block | collection is mandatory.

Note to self: simplify this API!

Following this block, there is a series of | document blocks. Such a block takes a single argument, which is either the document id or the document slug, which has the formUSERNAME:REFERENCE. The document blocks are rendered as ilinks (internal links). Internal links are handled by Lamdera via websockets. Http links would reload the app, which is a bad idea.

Creating a collection document

The bare-metal way to create and update a collection document is to create an ordinary document, then edit its text following the format described above. One can also use the New: Collection button in the Scripta app. The button calls Frontend.Update.newCollection. Here, in pictures, is the full data flow:

New Collection Flow of Control Data flow for creating a collection document

Continuing in words, Frontend.Update.newCollection calls Frontend.Update.makeDocument, which invokes the command

Lamdera.sendToBackend (CreateDocument model.currentUser newDoc)

The message CreateDocument calls Backend.Document.create, which is responsible for creating the document, adding to the application store, and sending the resulting document back to the frontend via

Lamdera.sendToFrontend clientId (ReceivedNewDocument handling doc)

Adding a new document to a collection

Add new document to collection